
Dine Among The Clouds At The Portucale Restaurant

In the year of 1969, this Porto restaurant, as well as the aristocratic Albergaria Miradouro Hotel upon which it sits, opened its doors and never looked back. And, why should they? With an unapologetic air of aristocracy and entitlement, both the hotel and the Portucale Restaurant have done quite well for themselves, in spite of waxing and waning global economies, and sporadic tourist trade cycles, both in Porto, as well as throughout Europe.

Often referred to as one of the gastronomic temples of cuisine for Northern Portugal, this Porto restaurant freely shows its devotion to authentic and gourmet Portuguese cuisine. From sole with champagne, to kid ragout, to “tripas a moda do Porto”, it’s a well deserved and hard earned label. They even feature a truly locally created menu of desserts for the sampling, wholly created by a local convent of nuns. This is not just another gem on the Porto restaurant scene; this is an institution, with a historic past, and an ever glowing and bright future.

This is a classic dining experience, frozen in time. With a décor that has not been altered from its birth in the sixties, the Portucale Restaurant remains a timeless favorite of all who have visited before. The scent of true burgundy leather, fresh flowers and gourmet dishes show evidence that you have entered another world, one that should be savored for what it is, and never be compared to anyone else.

Portucale Restaurant
Rua da Alegria, 598
4000-037 Porto

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